Monday, 10 October 2011

What makes a good Publicity Photo?

Very artist, no matter what genre they are, will have a publicity photo to promote their music, but there is always a certain checklist that they follow:
- Colour Scheme
- Body Language/Posture
- Lighting
- Facial Expressions
- Composition
- Shot type/angle
- Promoting brand image
- Mise-en-scene (Location, costumes & props)
- Editing
- Conventions of genre

Body Language/Posture:
This plays a major role in the success of presenting an artist in a publicity photo, like if an artist comes across shy and laidback they would stand in a certain way and use a certain facial expression to show this. However, if an artist wants to portray them selves as being powerful, they would stand a certain way like holding a strong posture showing the audience that they are strong and powerful. Conventional body language/posture helps show a certain genre in the music industry, for example in my chosen genre of Indie-Pop, the females portray themselves as shy by looking away from the camera and usual holding their hands to their chests, suggesting that they’re passionate about the music they produce.

The lighting in a publicity photo helps present an artist, for instances dark lighting is used to hide certain parts of the person in the image, the parts that are hidden can be seen as imperfect or the bright lighting can emphasis an artists perfect feature making the audience more interested in looking at the photo. Although, lighting can present different genres like pop music is bright and bold lighting, whereas rock uses dark lighting.   

Shot type/angle:
This convention helps present the artists’ personality, for example a low angle shot is usually used to show that an artist is powerful or successful within the music industry. Whereas, a close-up or high angle shot presents the artist as vulnerable, allowing the shot types to show a certain genre.

This is the most important factor in creating a successful publicity photo. Firstly, the use of costume helps portray an artist and their genre, for example gold bling and baggy jeans present the genre of hip-hop, whereas women in short dresses and high heels show the genre of pop. However, costume can be used to hide the imperfections of an artist, for example Lady GaGa isn’t a very beautiful women so her wearing crazy outfits draws the audience away from her imperfections but to the costume she is wearing. Also, props can be used in a publicity photo, this helps emphasise a certain genre or artist, for example Katy Perry is associated with lollypops and candy reinforcing the genre of girly-pop. Lastly, location helps with a publicity photo, most are photo-shoot based but some do have different locations, like the use of a green screen, or a field, emphasising a certain genre. 

Most publicity photos nowadays are photoshopped to show the viewer that everyone is perfect, and that slim, smooth skin is perfect and that everyone should be like that. Also, some things are edited into the photos to make them look more fun, for example Justin Beiber had a background that was brightly coloured and looked like shapes of cartoons, showing that he was from the pop genre.    

My Publicity Photo's:

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