- Emma, I genuinely really enjoy looking over your blog and seeing your brilliant ideas for the posts.
- I thought your idea for the 'Initial Ideas' and the 'Concept' was really creative and imaginative - keep up this sort of appraoch for each post. These two were really excellent, and your genuine interest in this task really shines Emma!
- Your 'technical tutorials' post was really comprehensive and really showed careful thinking about how you could use the green screen in your own work. You are really developing a high level of technical competence in Media Studies Emma.
EBI:- There's nothing in particular Emma that you need to improve here with what I have seen so far. Just keep going as you are!
Overall assessment of 'Planning' so far: Excellent.To reach the top of Level 4 (which is what you are certainly aiming for) you need to continue to show your excellent grasp of creativity, innovation, imagination and ICT technical flair for every post. The 'Planning' section of your blog really should provide you with loads of opportunities to demonstrate all of these things. Well done so far Emma. Your hard work on this will certainly pay off. You and your group have selected a great track from a really interesting artist, and it should give you lots to experiment with in terms of mise-en-scene and representation. I am really looking forward to seeing what your group comes up with.
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