Monday, 16 January 2012

Assessment Music Video Draft 1 Aux Tasks Draft 2 18/2/2012

First Draft of Music Video

Evaluation draft assessment / check

Assessment / Check - Evaluation draft ideas SJA 16th Jan 2012


  • Good to see you taking our advice on board and thinking of really creative ways to present your info for each Eval question
  • Thoughtful ideas noted here - with good intentions to really invest time and effort and use ICT creatively
  • Time to start getting on with developing your 'ideas' and notes into detailed posts now Emma, as you have set yourself lots of time consuming tasks to do - but PLEASE do them, as it will be worth it.
  • New Technologies post - try using JING software to 'show' your skilled use of a wide range of new technologies on a daily basis in media lessons - just talk through as you open up your blog, final cut, photoshop, etc, etc...
  • Audience feedback - time consuming - but sooooo worth it. Do loads of 'documenting / evidencing' of you seeking a range of opinions from audience, and how you respond to their suggestions
  • Combination of video & ancillary tasks - this is all about the idea of 'design elemens' threading through your prac work - show your brand identity.
Overall, great ideas Emma - BUT NOW is certainly the time to get starting on getting these developed...